Inizio Contenuto

Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations 2012


The RomaFictionFest is organised by Associazione Produttori Televisivi (APT) and the event's name and logo are protected by copyright. The Festival is promoted by the Lazio Region with the Rome Chamber of Commerce and Sviluppo Lazio.


The RomaFictionFest is one of the most important international festivals for creative programmes made for television. The event's main objective is to publicize and promote TV fiction productions marked by a distinctive quality, style and content. It is a mainstream event targeted also to industry and which encourages innovative production models, rewarding the use of cross-media formats, diversity and accessibility of content. The Artistic Director will draw up the event programme according to these aims, availing himself of a committee of experts whom he himself will appoint and to whom - depending on their specific areas of expertise - he will assign responsibility for specific geographical areas and sections. The aim is continue to support the growth of the event, capitalizing on all available resources and skills, presenting the best international productions and launching top Italian products from this industrial sector worldwide, ensuring that Lazio Region becomes a reference point for the market and creating new opportunities for training and proficiency.


The Festival's sixth edition will be held from September 28th to October 3rd 2013 at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome and other venues in the Lazio Region.


The Festival's official selection will include:

a. Premieres. Within the framework of the Premieres, programmes made for television and broadcast in their country of production between August 1st 2012 and July 31st 2013 and unreleased in Italy will be considered. The Official Selection will feature International Premieres, i.e. programmes produced internationally that are an absolute première for Italy.

b. Released Italian TV Drama Competition. A competition open to all fiction products commissioned by or produced for television, made by Italian production companies and already broadcast by leading Italian broadcasters and on air between September 1st 2012 and July 31st 2013.

c. Kids&Teens. A showcase for the most interesting TV productions in animation and made-for-television entertainment programmes for school and pre-school children as well as teenagers.

d. Work in Progress. A showcase of the most interesting unfinished TV shows presented to the audience in a reduced format. This section is reserved to titles produced or co-produced in Italy.

e. Special Events. Presentation of works of special interest and/or important artistic content, of personalities from the international television scene and initiatives associated also with other art forms such as exhibitions, concerts, live shows and happenings.

f. Retrospective. The Festival will host an exhibition of works from an extended period of an artist's activity representative of the Italian television landscape.


Entries must be submitted in one of the following categories, depending on type. The Artistic Direction reserves the right to select the programmes to be screened at the Festival and in which competitive or non-competitive sections. The decision will be final.

a. TV Drama: series, miniseries, TV movies

b. TV Comedy: series, miniseries, TV movies and sit-coms

c. Web Series: series created for entertainment via the Internet, mobile devices and/or other non-TV digital devices.

d. Pre-scholar and kids entertainment, live-action shows, animations and cartoons.

e. Documentary produced for TV of cultural and artistic interest


At the initiative of the Artistic Director and the Festival's President - possibly in cooperation with the Selection Committee - debates, meetings, conferences and masterclasses may be held in order to give the public and professionals an opportunity to come into contact with Italian and international TV personalities.


RomaFictionFest Artistic Excellence Award/Lifetime Achievement Award. Like every year, the RomaFictionFest Lifetime Achievement Award and/or for Artistic Excellence will be given to a well-known and admired TV personality. Other awards may be given to honour the careers of distinguished Italian and international television personalities or a programme that is distinctive in its originality and innovative approach to television.


Works are selected at the sole discretion of the Festival's Artistic Direction. Programmes completed after August 1st 2012 only shall be considered for selection. Programmes unreleased outside their country of origin and never presented at other festivals or via the Internet may be considered for the Official Selection only. Vice versa, the Festival must be a world première for Italian productions. At the discretion of the Artistic Direction, exceptions may be allowed for works presented at festivals outside Europe. In any case, priority shall be given to world premières at the RomaFictionFest.


Works must be submitted no later than August, 23rd 2013 and the following material sent to the RomaFictionFest offices:

1. A Pre-Selection Entry Form duly filled out

2. a dvd of the programme

3. 1 production stills (high resolution), 1 still of the creator and/or director (high resolution), bio-filmography of the creator and/or director, synopsis, artistic and technical cast.

The Festival has no obligation to return works sent in for selection, which may be filed in the organiser's Archives solely for documentation and research purposes, to the exclusion of any commercial use so as to protect the interests of both authors and producers. The above materials must be mailed to APT (Associazione Produttori Televisivi) at the following address, writing on the envelope "SENZA VALORE COMMERCIALE - PER ESCLUSIVO USO CULTURALE" (FOR CULTURAL PURPOSES ONLY - NO COMMERCIAL VALUE)

RomaFictionFest c/o APT
Via Giunio Bazzoni 3
00195 Roma


a. Entry forms. The Artistic Direction shall start sending out invitations to entrants selected for the sixth edition of the RomaFictionFest before the end of August 2013. Kindly, therefore, provide a reference name, a nominal e-mail address and a telephone number for the person indicated in the pre-selection entry form as the reference person. The Artistic Direction shall send a selected work's reference person an official letter of invitation with a request for the materials needed for participation in the RomaFictionFest. The reference person will also receive the Selection Entry Form that must be duly filled out and returned no later than the date indicated in the official letter of invitation. By signing the form, entrants irrevocably agree to having their works screened at the RomaFictionFest 2012, accept these Rules and Regulations in full and undertake to send to the RomaFictionFest organisation, as indicated and before the deadline, all the materials required for the work to be included in the Festival's official programme.

b. Programme. The invitation to take part in the RomaFictionFest must remain absolutely confidential until the programme is announced by the Festival itself, on penalty of exclusion from the selection. The general programme, venues and screening schedules shall be decided by the Artistic Direction exclusively.

c. Copies. The right holders of invited works must send copies for the official screening in one of the following formats: Beta SP Pal, Digital Beta, HD Cam, 35mm, Digital Cinema Package - DCP. Screening materials shall be sent at the entrants' expense and must be sent no later than the date indicated in the Official Letter of Invitation (and its attachments). The screening copies must not have any on-screen titles, logos, channel's bug, copyright spoiler, time code or any advertisements and/or blank screens for commercial breaks so that both the audience and the jury may watch the programme without any interruption or disruption.

d. Subtitles. The right holders of the works undertake to send in a dialogue list in the original language and in English to enable subtitling in Italian. Programmes in any language other than English or Italian must have English subtitles, provided at the entrants' expense. The RomaFictionFest shall cover the cost of Italian subtitles for international works. For Italian programmes, screening copies with English subtitles shall be required.

e. Catalogue Materials. For information on a selected work to be included in the catalogue, the following materials must be provided: 2 production stills, 1 still of the creator and/or director, bio-filmography of the creator and/or director, synopsis, artistic and technical cast.

f. Promotional Material for the press. For communications and promotion of a selected work, the Press Office must be provided with a press kit and a 3-minute programme trailer (or promotional video). Should the above materials fail to be sent, the Festival shall be entitled to use one or more scenes from the selected programme for promotional purposes, for a maximum duration of 3 minutes.

g. Official Logo. After the Festival has announced the official programme, all forms of promotion of selected works, as explicitly agreed by entrants, shall highlight their participation in the 6th edition of the RomaFictionFest, with an indication of the relevant section and the official logo designed and provided by the Festival. Award-winning programmes are kindly invited to indicate the award they have received, with the official graphics designed and provided by the RomaFictionFest.


1. All expenses for shipping the works from place of origin to and from the RomaFictionFest premises (including all customs duties for works coming from outside the EU) shall be paid by entrants. The Festival undertakes to provide (in the Official Letter of Invitation) the name and contacts details of an international shipping agent and the address to which entrants must send their screening copies.

2. Entrants must provide insurance cover for shipping screening copies and press materials for selected works to and from the Festival.

3. The RomaFictionFest will provide insurance cover for screening copies against all damages while they are held at its premises at the Auditorium Parco della Musica. The insurance value of the works may in no case exceed the material cost of a standard copy. The Festival also undertakes to adopt before, during and after screenings - for the entire period in which screening copies are held at its premises at the Auditorium Parco della Musica - all precautions required to protect copyright, resorting when required also to specific anti-piracy measures.


Participation in the RomaFictionFest entails compliance with these Rules and Regulations. It is the responsibility of producers, distributors or any other rights holders to ensure that they are legitimately entitled to enter a work in the Festival. The Artistic Director shall decide on all cases not provided for in these Rules and Regulations and may allow exceptions to the Rules and Regulations themselves in specific and well-motivated cases. Should any dispute arise over interpretation of single articles in these Rules and Regulations, the Italian original shall apply.

The RomaFictionFest official website is

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